Sunday, 5 July 2015



God KNEW we as humans needed a solid touch of His LOVE which is why He sent Jesus.

It is quite a common practice to take COMMUNION at church but do you know what you are really celebrating?

Allow me to take you outside of the religious box for a moment…

JESUS is the COMMON UNION between God who is LOVE and us.

He is the link. He is ALL God and ALL man and He came to show us that is WHO we are too!

Not only that He demonstrated HOW.

We are ALL God.

We are ALL human.

We are EQUAL to God.

We are EQUAL to every other human on the planet.

Let us look at the definition of UNION for a moment.

UNION = “the action of joining together or the fact of being joined together”

JESUS is the joiner between us and God….He is the reason we have ALL the power of God and yet ALL the frailty and vulnerability of a human being...When the POWER of God joins with the frailty and vulnerability of a human life...MIRACLES happen…

When we celebrate COMMUNION we are celebrating the joining together of GOD and MAN in a seamless union.

When two people get married they “become one”. They are not considered two anymore. They become a unit working as one.

This is what Jesus did for us. He reminded us and urged us vehemently to remember we are ONE with God who is LOVE and did what He did so that ALL mankind would become a powerful unit supercharged by LOVE.

There is NO separation.


I told you I was taking you out of the religious box.

Let that sink in.

Yes we are called to SERVE.

LOVE SERVES, Jesus demonstrated that on several occasions. The washing of the disciples feet being a most notable one.

It is one thing to SERVE. It is quite another to be SUBSERVIENT. We are not less than. Jesus is the equalizer.

We are made in God’s image. An exact copy. We have all of His functions within us. Jesus demonstrated that also on several occasions and told us we would do even greater things.

So next time you take COMMUNION...don’t treat it as a ritual or something you do in church on Sunday ….think on and remember the COMMON UNION you have with God because Jesus came and He lived and died knowing full well He was one with God….as we are also.

Love, Peace, Joy and More
6 July 2015

Friday, 9 March 2012

Failure Is Not An Option

1 Corinthians 13:8
Love NEVER fails!!!!!

Did you know that in God's eyes you are not a failure?

"Oh but I yelled at my kids today"

"Oh but the doctor has just diagnosed me with a disability"

"Oh but all the kids at school tease me and tell me I'm ugly"

"Oh but I did something so bad no one will ever forgive me or want to be my friend again"

"Oh but I tried for a promotion at work and I didn't get it"

These are just a few things that people might class as things that would make their day or even their whole lives a complete failure.

The thing is that when these things happen...yes we do feel bad..but we don't have to keep feeling bad about it. The sense of failure that we get can either be compounded because we won't let ourselves off the hook or we can decide "ok I'm going to move forward from this and trust God to bring about good out of it despite how bad it looks or seems in my life"

Yes those things can cause us to fall but it doesn't mean we've failed.

You see in God's eyes failure is not an option. God is already prepared for the times when we'd fall...when we'd make mistakes...when life didn't go the way we hoped and planned.Nothing is a surprise to Him.

Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV) says : "11For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

God does not have any bad thoughts towards you at all. The one who puts those bad thoughts in your mind is the enemy, Satan. Oh yes he is professional about making you  feel bad about yourself and helping you beat yourself up and lead you into the pits of depression.

If you have children or nephews, nieces. grandkids...then it might help to remember this. Remember when your child was learning to walk. How many times did they fall flat on their backsides before they eventually got it right?  We didn't admonish them and say "Oh you stupid child why can't you walk already" No we smiled ( and sometimes laughed) at we told them how clever they were and we kissed them better if they fell over too hard.

Well God is the same with us. A loving parent who gives us encouragement when we try and kisses us better when we fall.

You see each day in life we are His kids learning to walk. Sometimes we take a few steps and sometimes we fall hard. But He never ever gives us an "F". It is always an "A" for trying.

So what has knocked you off your feet today? Reach out to God because He has His hands out to pick you up and set you on your feet again and He has arms wide open to hug you and reassure you and set you back on the right track.

Remember you might fall down but you don't have to stay down...Get up and keep on keeping on :)

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Who Says You Have To Have All Your Ducks In A Row?

Romans 15:33
"Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen."

Hands up whose life is in perfect order and nothing is out of place???? Now , be truthful. Has there ever really been any point in  your lives where all your ducks have come into a row and STAYED in a row??

I know it doesn't happen in my life. As soon as I think they are, then inevitably one duck wanders off..gets lost..goes for a swim...

You know what it's like. You spend ages doing your housework and then the kids come along and spread toys all over the loungeroom or hubby gets peckish and makes something to eat and leaves a trail of plates and utensils all over the kitchen. Or you inevitably get dressed in your best outfit and you pick up the baby who promptly hurls breakfast down all over your shoulder. Or you're out shopping and miss 3 sits down in the middle of the supermarket and hurls the biggest tantru. Yeah, those sure are times when you don't feel together or that your ducks are in a row.

It seems like we spend a lot of time trying to get our ducks in a row and use that as the reason why we don't set out to achieve the things we really want to do in our lives.

The sooner we accept the fact that ok sometimes our ducks might actually be in a row but they never actually stay in a row the sooner we will have peace and make the dccision "That's it, I'm doing this"

God is our ability to achieve stuff in our life. He knows who to connect us to, where we need to go. He is the One who ignites the passions we have in our hearts for certain things and that urge we have in us to do something about it.

God doesn't require our ducks to be all in a row. We will never get the ducks in a row, but He will. He is the God who can bring order and peace into a world where our ducks are determined to go off and do their own thing.

All God asks for is a willing heart and a trust in His ability to get things done, to make things come into place and to see your dreams become a reality.

As the old adage goes "If you are willing, He is able."

I have decided this year I am going to achieve some of the things I have wanted to do for a long time. I have decided it doesn't matter what my ducks do. God can deal with ducks going out of line and He is my ability to get them done no matter where my ducks decide to go.

Consider the following picture that has been posted on facebook recently :

These people we know out of the Bible didn't have their ducks all in a row either. They were ordinary everyday people like you and me who faced various challenges in life and didn't necessarily always make the best of choices but their stories live on in what God was able to do through them.

Your story will live on too in the hearts of those around you and what you allow God to do through you will be impact down the generations.

So what is your dream? What adventure do you want to have? Why don't you be honest with God about it and give it to Him and see what He does :)

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

God Doesn't Give Lip Service

Psalm 12:6 (New King James Version)
'The words of the LORD are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times."

I had a lovely God moment this morning. About a week ago I downloaded the app "Revelation Radio"  onto my mobile phone. Revelation Radio is a free app with Christian music and excellent teaching on it. So the other day I decided to put in a request for one of my favourite songs by the band Need to Breathe called "Washed by the Water". I didn't get to hear the song in that session, however, this morning after I had turned it off and was going about having my breakfast , I put my phone in my pocket and all of a sudden the radio app came on and the song on it was "Washed by the Water" and I was like " Wow , thank You God , You know just how much I wanted to hear that song :)"

Now, that may not seem like a big thing to you but to me it was a reminder again of how my great big loving God takes even the smallest of my requests into consideration. It wasn't a matter of life or death. It wasn't something I desperately needed. It was just a simple desire to hear a song I hadn't heard in a long time and He made sure I heard it.

You see, God IS Love and God LOVES me. God doesn't give lip service. He doesn't just say He loves you. He shows His love for you everyday even in the little things. And you know why He does??



No one else can have the relationship with God that you can have. It is special. Between you and Him. How much or how little you get to know Him and His love is up to you but He knows every little detail about you. He knows every little hope and dream you have tucked away. He knows the secrets of your heart. He sees the tears you cry and He knows how to get you to laugh. He knows exactly what brings a smile to your face and in the times when  He needs to change you, He also knows exactly how to convict you so that you will let His love transform you and make you into a better version of you.

He cannot love you and be far away. He is not a distant God. He is a right there for you every step of the way God. You can talk to Him about anything. You can ask Him anything. And You can go to Him for everything.

Think about your closest human friend. Or your partner. How did you get to know them? How many questions did you ask? How much time did you spend with them? How many mountains did you climb together and how many valleys did you go through? You could never have gotten close to them if you didn't have an open heart and be prepared to let them in.

It's the same with God. Ask Him questions. Spend time with Him. He loves nothing better than to spend time with you and as I said earlier He doesn't just give lip service. He goes out of His way every day to show you that great love He has for you.

Today, for me, it was one of my favourite songs. It wasn't the only way He showed me and reminded me of His love today but it's the one that brought me much joy and He did it for one simple reason: He loves me :)

Monday, 5 March 2012

Steadfast Love

Lamentations 3:22-24 (NIV)
22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”

It is a normal thing in any human life to ask " Why do I bother?" "What is the point?" "Why should I care anymore?"

Yes, we all have our lamentations just as Jeremiah did. We all get overwhelmed and feel like we are being consumed by a great big nothingness at times. However, when we do get to these points in our life and we are asking these questions, they are not going out into a great big void.

There is One who hears. There is One who sees every pain and every heartache and every tear you shed. He sees how you struggle and strive and He is so there for you.

It is because of His great LOVE we are not consumed. I, myself, was at this place today. And as I was asking these questions about a particular situation in my life the Holy Spirit gently reminded me of an old song we sing that goes "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end."

He never quits and never gives up on me. He is the whole reason I have made it this far in my life. And He is the whole reason I don't give up or quit on the people I love in my life even when I feel overwhelmed and consumed by all sorts of emotions. His Love for me is the very reason that lifts me up again and gives me the courage to step forward and out again,

I have had plenty of reasons to give up in my life and I know many of my dear friends who have great reason to quit too. But I see them with their children who have special needs, their totally headstrong teens, their difficult marital relationships and grief over losing loved ones just as examples and I know the driving force behind why they get up each and every day and go on.

It is simply this one reason: LOVE

Father God, our dearest Papa, thank YOU for Loving us and giving us the courage each day to keep going forward and not giving up either on our own lives or the lives of the ones we love in Jesus Name amen