Tuesday, 6 March 2012

God Doesn't Give Lip Service

Psalm 12:6 (New King James Version)
'The words of the LORD are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times."

I had a lovely God moment this morning. About a week ago I downloaded the app "Revelation Radio"  onto my mobile phone. Revelation Radio is a free app with Christian music and excellent teaching on it. So the other day I decided to put in a request for one of my favourite songs by the band Need to Breathe called "Washed by the Water". I didn't get to hear the song in that session, however, this morning after I had turned it off and was going about having my breakfast , I put my phone in my pocket and all of a sudden the radio app came on and the song on it was "Washed by the Water" and I was like " Wow , thank You God , You know just how much I wanted to hear that song :)"

Now, that may not seem like a big thing to you but to me it was a reminder again of how my great big loving God takes even the smallest of my requests into consideration. It wasn't a matter of life or death. It wasn't something I desperately needed. It was just a simple desire to hear a song I hadn't heard in a long time and He made sure I heard it.

You see, God IS Love and God LOVES me. God doesn't give lip service. He doesn't just say He loves you. He shows His love for you everyday even in the little things. And you know why He does??



No one else can have the relationship with God that you can have. It is special. Between you and Him. How much or how little you get to know Him and His love is up to you but He knows every little detail about you. He knows every little hope and dream you have tucked away. He knows the secrets of your heart. He sees the tears you cry and He knows how to get you to laugh. He knows exactly what brings a smile to your face and in the times when  He needs to change you, He also knows exactly how to convict you so that you will let His love transform you and make you into a better version of you.

He cannot love you and be far away. He is not a distant God. He is a right there for you every step of the way God. You can talk to Him about anything. You can ask Him anything. And You can go to Him for everything.

Think about your closest human friend. Or your partner. How did you get to know them? How many questions did you ask? How much time did you spend with them? How many mountains did you climb together and how many valleys did you go through? You could never have gotten close to them if you didn't have an open heart and be prepared to let them in.

It's the same with God. Ask Him questions. Spend time with Him. He loves nothing better than to spend time with you and as I said earlier He doesn't just give lip service. He goes out of His way every day to show you that great love He has for you.

Today, for me, it was one of my favourite songs. It wasn't the only way He showed me and reminded me of His love today but it's the one that brought me much joy and He did it for one simple reason: He loves me :)

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